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Miro Berries

(info still to come)

Kinaki Pikopiko
NZ Fern Shoots
high vitamin e

  • Pikopiko is a fern shoot found, growing in a damp shady area of the bush.
  • Pale green in colour with brown speckles.
  • Pikopiko can be used as a signature garnish or as a vegetable.
  • There are 312 different varieties of fern shoots in NZ.
  • Some varieties are carcinogenic.
  • If picking Pikopiko in the wild, make sure that you have identified the correct type.

We recommend that you buy from the experts and leave the wild untouched.

contains carotene

(info still to come)

Kinaki Horopito
(Pseudowintara Colerata)
NZ Pepper Tree
antioxidant/anti fungal properties

  • Horopito is found growing in a damp shady area of the bush.
  • Leaves are green in colour with red speckles.
  • Horopito can be infused in avocado oil or as a marinade / marsala
  • There are 3 different varieties of Horopito in NZ.
  • When chewed in its raw state Horopito has the same effect as chilli.

We recommend that you buy from the experts and leave the wild untouched.

Kinaki Kawakawa
(Macropiper Excelsum)
blood purifier

  • Kawakawa is found in damp places in the bush, most often in the coastal areas.
  • From fourteen to twenty feet in height, Kawakawa has heart shaped leaves
  • From two to five inches long, growing singly from the black pointed stems.
  • They sometimes have little holes, as there is an insect which feeds on them.

We recommend that you buy from the experts and leave the wild untouched.

high UMF factor

Manuka is used as a black tea substitute by Captain Cook and early settlers. It has a broad spectrum antibiotic and anti fungal oil in its leaves, effective as a natural yeast infection treatment.

Korolex Tea
Natural yeast infection treatment

A natural yeast infection treatment that helps, cleans and keeps the microflora in your intestinal tract in balance. The native New Zealand herbs in Kolorex Tea are cultivated among pristine temperate rain forest stress in their natural environment under the forest canopy or in small clearings, so do not need artificial fertilizers or chemical sprays.

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